How long should I stay on the Detox Trio?
We recommend at least 3-4 months or longer and repeat every other month or when symptoms reappear. You must remember that cleaning and eliminating parasites and their eggs does not happen overnight. Be patient and this cleanse will give you the optimum health you have been looking for along with better eating and exercise.
Is there a special diet to follow on the Detox Trio?
We recommend avoiding the following:
- Sugar, even foods that contain corn syrup (this is a hidden danger found in all processed foods) Sodas
- Sweet drinks
- Juices, especially processed juices
- Fried foods
- Soy
- Corn
- White flour products such as bread, pasta, pancakes, bagel, cookies, muffins, breakfast sandwiches, etc.
Eat as much as you like of the following:
- Green fresh veggies
- Salads
- Grass-fed meat and chicken
- Wild fish, especially salmon
- Organic eggs
- Fresh fruit
- Avocado
- Water, especially alkaline water
What if I have high blood pressure, can I take the Detox Trio?
We always suggest that you check with your doctor first. Most customers feel better and have more energy when they take the Detox Trio.
How do I take the Detox Trio
Start with three one half dropper full mixed into an ounce of water on an empty stomach (detox and parasite).
Do this for 3 weeks and rest for 1 week. For women, it is best to take the time off when menstruating begins. If you no longer get a menstrual cycle, then pick one week each month to take off.
The colon cleansers are to be taken no more than 3-4 times a week. Start with 2-3 capsules preferably before dinner with a large glass of water and you should eliminate the next morning. By noon, if you see no difference then the next evening, take 4-5 with another large glass of water. Continue to increase until you see a difference. If you need more than 6 capsules, then separate them, for example, take 4 in the morning and another 3 or 4 in the evening before dinner.
It is important to drink a glass of water every hour so that you do not cramp and to ensure a smooth movement.